Hey dancesport lovers! We’ve been travelling so much recently, I had to do a few videos all back to back, so it took me a couple of weeks to get this one done. But done it is! We had a great time performing at the 2018 Delta Cup Dancesport Gala in Vancouver, BC. George and Wendy Pytlik, the organizers of the competition, are really great people who we’ve known for quite some time. They invited us for the second year in a row to perform our shows at this small-but-fun competition. However, unlike last year when we did 10 shows across two days, this year we only performed on Saturday night. That’s because on Sunday… one of our students got married!
Anyway, more on that later.

One of the things we love most about performing in Canada is the audience. In our teenage years, Simeon and I used to drive to Vancouver every weekend to train with our coach. He was living in Vancouver at the time. We didn’t have any competitors our age to train alongside, but our coach in Vancouver had a ton of couples. This helped give us a lot of motivation to keep training and working hard.
Even though our former coach moved away, a few of us remain deeply involved in the dance industry. In many ways, performing in Vancouver feels like performing for your home crowd. It’s a really special feeling.
Hey, by the way, if you’re in the Pacific Northwest region and are thinking about trying competing for the first time, I would really recommend this comp. The 2018 Delta Cup Dancesport Competition was really well organized and had such a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

And as for our student’s wedding, CONGRATULATIONS, VIOLETA! We are so happy for her. Violeta has been a student of ours for 12 years, and she also teaches for us at our studio! She is such an amazing person. Sincere, kind, with the biggest heart I can imagine…. We were so happy to be there to celebrate her wedding with her. She deserves all of the happiness in the world!
Anyway, for the video, click here to watch it through YouTube! And while you’re there, go ahead and subscribe in order to get notifications whenever I post new videos! Leave me comments! I’d love to know what you guys think of our videos!
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