Clear Skin: How Dancers Maintain Healthy Skin

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We’ve published quite a few step by step articles about how to do competition makeup. This article is great for learning Latin competition makeup for women. And in this video, Simeon teaches all of you men out there how to do your competition makeup. But with all of the makeup we put on our faces, it can be difficult to maintain clear skin. As professional dancers, we often wear makeup for hours at a time, sweating in it, reapplying it until it’s hard to see our own skin beneath it. And after an entire weekend, we’re sure you can imagine our clear skin isn’t so clear….

Just how do we keep our skin looking so clean and clear? If you’re looking for an easy, no-work answer, you’re not going to be very happy. But if you’re looking for an answer that works, you’ve come to the right place! We both follow this method, day and night, and it keeps our clear skin looking bright and clean even after a rough competition weekend.

The answer to our clear skin dilemma? The Korean Skincare Routine! Now, before we continue, we have to warn you that the Korean Skincare Routine is 10 steps long, which can feel really long when done on a daily basis! But, two out of the ten steps are only done once or twice a week. And as for the remaining 8 steps, we’ve timed it: on average, it takes 4 minutes. That’s it. Less than 15 minutes for beautiful, clean, clear skin. We think it’s worth it!

coconut oil clear skin
Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer.
innisfree clear skin
Innisfree Cosmetics

10-Step Korean Skincare Routine

In order to really achieve clear skin, it’s important to perform these 10 steps in a specific order, as the products in Korean skincare lines are designed to layer a certain way. By the way, for all of the products below, we recommend the skincare line by Innisfree. Their products are all natural and cruelty free, affordable, and hands-down amazing!

  1. Makeup Remover or Oil-based Cleanser
  2. Foaming Cleanser
  3. Exfoliate
  4. Toner
  5. Essence
  6. Serum and/or Ampoule
  7. Sheet Mask and/or Mud Masks
  8. Eye Cream
  9. Moisturizer and/or Overnight Mask
  10. Sunscreen

1.      Makeup Remover or Oil-based Cleanser

This step is only performed at night! After a long day of training, teaching, dancing, and working out, our skin collects a lot of dirt and filth. That’s why we use an oil-based cleanser as our first step. We need to remove all of the makeup and pollution and dirt from our skin, and you will be surprised to see how much filth is left over on our skin when you don’t start with this step.

A word to the wise: oil cleansers do not make your skin more oily! Take it from someone who has oily skin… Kora does! Yet she still uses an oil-based cleanser to rid her face of all those impurities collected throughout the day. The result is a face clear of makeup and dirt, NOT the stereotypical oil pan that scare many oily-faced people away.

Sometimes, after a dance competition when Kora is wearing a lot of makeup, she uses both a makeup remover and an oil-based cleanser. However, on a daily basis, one or the other is fine.

2.      Foaming Cleanser

Foaming Cleanser clear skin
Wash with a foaming cleanser

This step is performed both day and night. It’s important to keep your face clean of impurities. We both wash our faces day and night with a foaming cleanser. Kora has tried a few different ones depending on the different needs of her skin throughout the year. When she travels for competitions, she brings a foaming cleanser with volcanic clay in it to help remove all of the impurities from wearing competition makeup all day. She also likes using charcoal cleansers. These ones are great recommendations:


3.      Exfoliate

Do this only twice a week. Did you know that many blemishes on your skin, such as “blackheads”, are actually caused by a buildup of dead skin cells? For this reason, it’s important to exfoliate your skin at least once a week, but not more than twice a week. Exfoliating too often can damage the underlayers of your skin and result in making your skin look older and drier.

In order to maintain clear skin, there are many different options for exfoliation. You can purchase a pre-made exfoliation. Or, you can make your own! All you need is an oil base, an abrasive substance, and maybe some essential oils for smell. Abrasive substances can change depending on your needs. For instance, if you have sensitive skin, like Simeon, you can use rolled oats. For those with oily skin like Kora, use brown sugar.

If you don’t prefer abrasive exfoliants, you can also use chemical exfoliants. An example of a commonly used chemical exfoliant is salicylic acid, or aspirin. While it’s plenty easy to make your own salicylic acid treatment by crushing and blending aspirin with rosewater or milk, you can just as easily buy a salicylic acid exfoliant.

4.      Toner

Use toners day and night. Toners are important for balancing the pH level of your skin, and can be the difference between clear skin and… otherwise…. Kora keeps different toners around for day and night. She likes to use a lighter toner that contains caffeine to brighten up and lift her skin in the morning. At night, she uses a calming toner that feels a bit heavier on the skin. Simeon uses the calming toner day and night, since he does not battle with oily skin and has no trouble absorbing slightly heavier products.

5.      Essence

Apply essence at night! Essence is often considered the heart of the Korean Skincare routine (although, Kora and Simeon both think sheet masks are the real key). Essences are like concentrated toners and serums all in one. Once you jump into the rabbit hole of Korean Skincare products, good luck finding your way out! There are a million different essences and serums out there, and for so many different skin types!

6.      Serums and/or Ampoules

Use day and night, depending on product and concern. If Essences are like concentrated toners, serums and concentrated essences and ampoules are concentrated serums. Essences are usually meant to be applied all over the face, like a toner, whereas serums and ampoules are meant to be spot treatments. If you’re struggling to achieve clear skin, serums and ampoules may just be the missing ingredient. You can take a small drip of serum or ampoule and apply it directly to the area of concern. Many of us don’t have completely consistent skin. Kora, for instance, has an oily T-zone but struggles with dry skin under her eyes and on her chin. Therefore, she uses an anti-acne serum for her T-zone and a moisturizing ampoule for the dry skin that builds up on her chin, as well as an anti-aging serum for her eyes.

7.      Sheet Masks/Mud Masks

clear skin mud mask
Use a mud mask to clean out impurities.

Use once or twice a week, or as needed. Masks are where it’s at! Kora found such a considerable difference in the quality of her skin once she started using masks. Although you can find sheet masks meant for acne and mud masks meant for moisture, she likes to be specific about their uses.

If she is suffering from a breakout or can tell one is on the way after a week of competition makeup, she will use a mud mask. Her favorite is Aztec Bentonite Clay, which she mixes with a bit of rosewater to make a paste. The Bentonite clay digs deep down into her pores to scoop out all of that goop. And while the result is a face that is a bit more red than normal for half a day, the results on her clear skin are far worthwhile.

On the other hand, she finds that a sheet mask is her best bet for reinvigorating her skin. Often after a tough week or competition, she suffers less from a breakout and more from dull or tired looking skin. Simeon, with his drier complexion, often suffers from tired skin. That’s when the sheet masks come out. Sure, they freak out when they see each other, since you definitely look like a serial killer with the mask on, but they know their skin will thank them.

8.      Eye Cream

Apply eye cream both day and night. It’s important to keep a separate cream for your eyes around. Kora keeps two that both she and Simeon use. Kora is genetically predisposed to bags under her eyes (thanks, Dad), and Simeon gets dark circles under his eyes thanks to his thin skin. As a result, they both use an eye cream in the morning that contains caffeine and specifically targets bags and dark circles.

However, at night, their concerns change. Instead of using a caffeine-containing cream, they use an eye cream that contains snail mucin (no joke!) to fend off wrinkles. Simeon and Kora don’t have many wrinkles yet, but they prefer to be proactive.

9.      Moisturizer and/or Overnight Masks

Use day and night. After applying their eye creams, it’s on to moisturizer. Simeon uses one moisturizer day and night. Because of his sensitive skin, he often gets breakouts from creams and lotions, so once he finds one that works for him, he doesn’t switch. It’s the first one of the suggestions below.

Kora, on the other hand, uses a different cream for day and night. In the morning, she applies a light lotion that helps mitigate her oil production. At night, she uses a heavier face cream designed for skin rejuvenation.

An overnight mask is like a really heavy, thick face cream that you will just sleep in overnight. Kora has one that she uses from time to time when her skin is looking particularly dull or tired. However, the overnight masks tend to give her acne, so it’s a balancing act. If your skin is not too oily or predisposed to acne, an overnight mask might even be a regular thing for you. But for Kora, she only uses it when the dullness of her skin outweighs the risk of acne.

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10.  Sunscreen

Apply in the morning only. With the caveat that getting natural sunlight on a daily basis is very important to your health, we all know that sun causes damage to our skin. Living in Seattle means Simeon and Kora don’t get a whole lot of consistent natural sunlight. As a result, Kora likes to drink a glass of water outside for about 15 minutes, first thing in the morning. At that time of day, the sun is less powerful and Kora feels restored and invigorated to face the day. Then, the final step before applying her makeup is a light coat of all-natural sunscreen.

Simeon and Kora strongly suggesting using an all-natural sunscreen. There are some amazing products out there that are good for the skin, and will still protect your skin from the sun. Wear sunscreen, but don’t go overboard! Natural sunlight is good for you! And please do your research before buying a sunscreen to make sure the product is all-natural and reef-safe.


The Recipe for Clear Skin

We hope you found this article helpful! Have you tried any of these products? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Let us know your experiences! And remember, once you get the hang of this routine, it’s far less daunting than it seems. It takes Kora only 4 minutes in the morning and maybe 7 minutes at night (when she’s not using the masks) to complete this routine. The truth is, 15 minutes a day is a small price to pay for clean, clear skin. After all, you are born and stuck with your skin for the rest of your life, so you’d better take care of it!

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