In my post 8 Basic Rules of Dancers Diets, I gave you all a basic framework of rules to follow in order to help make your diets more effective. These rules are not just for dancers, by the way. In the next series of posts, I’m going to go in depth for each of these rules. I want to provide you with more information than just a little paragraph behind a headline. And we are going to start our Dieting 101 with Rule Number One: Educate yourself!
They say that education is the key to the universe…. Or at least, that’s what I believe! In order to create a truly effective diet for yourself, you must take a bit of time for education. The key components that should make up your dieting education are not too difficult, but it will take time and effort. Not too much, but a little. As with anything worth achieving, that sleek and slim dancers body does not come without commitment and effort. But you’re ok with that, right? That’s why you’re here!
By the way, all of the following principles I discuss in these posts can be applied for men or women, whether your goal is to lose weight, tone muscle, or *gasp* add mass.
I’ve devoted a great deal of my time to studying nutritional science because I believe that the source of our physical strengths and weaknesses is the quality of the fuel we feed ourselves. I’m not going to go into huge details about nutrition or gastrointestinal science. I just want to give you the basic tools to start you on your journey of developing your dancers body.

Dieting 101 in Three Parts
In Part One, learn about three major body types and how to determine which body type is yours.
Part Two will teach you the basics of macronutrients and how to calculate your ideal caloric range.
In Part Three, take some time to finally learn how to read nutrition labels, and discover how to find nutrition information for fresh foods.
What I Hope to Achieve in Dieting 101
I am passionate about helping people – dancers and non-dancers alike – achieve a better understanding of the delicate dance between nutrition and health. As dancers, this balance is even more important, as our bodies are the vessel through which we can express our art. I want to help you get away from subjective thought and encourage you to approach your diets with a more scientific mindset. The information I provide you, I very much hope, will do just that.
Please let me know if you found my information helpful or if you’d like to see something more by commenting below!
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