Dancers Legs Workout

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The best way to develop those beautiful dancers’ legs is to simply dance more, and dance the right way. However, cross-training can be an effective way to help speed up the process. I’ve come up with a great workout that will not only develop beautifully toned, slim legs, but will also get your heartbeat up in the process. The best part about this dancers legs workout is that you can do it at home. It doesn’t require any equipment except an interval timer, which you can load on your cell phone. And… it only takes 15 minutes!

You should incorporate this as part of your workout and diet regime.

This dancers legs workout is structured as a Tabata Interval Workout. Hence the interval timer! You can download one on your phone, however, you could also run one off of YouTube, like this one. Set your timer for 3 sets of 5 complete intervals. One action interval should last 50 seconds, with a 10 second rest interval.

Here are the exercises:


Dancers Legs Workout: Exercise 1

Surfer Squats


Dancers Legs Workout Surfer Squat
How to perform a Surfer Squat

Start in a deep squat turned to one side. Jump as high as you can directly from the squat, turning 180º in the air, and land in a deep squat on the other side. Repeat for 50 seconds, and follow with a 10 second break.


Dancers Legs Workout: Exercise 2

Skater Lunges


Dancers Legs Workout Skater Lunges
How to perform a Skater Lunge

Begin in a low cursty lunge. This means you are squatted low over one leg, with the other leg extended out behind you, in the direction of your standing leg. Launch yourself to the side, stretching out your legs and arms to either side. As you land on your other leg, squat immediately into your curtsy lunge on your other side. Repeat this exercise without stopping for 50 seconds, then follow with a 10 second break.


Dancers Legs Workout: Exercise 3


Dancers Legs Workout Burpee
How to Perform a Burpee


Burpees are a pushup, followed immediately by a jump lunge, then back into your pushup. I start in a low squat position and jump from this position as high as I can, straightening my back and my legs as I do so. When I land, I land directly in my low squat position. I place the palm of my hands on the ground, then launch my legs out behind me and lower myself into a full pushup. As soon as I come back up, I bunny-hop my legs under my chest, and now I am ready to perform my next squat jump.

Repeat for 50 seconds, and follow with a 10 second break.


Dancers Legs Tabata Workout: Exercise 4

Jump Lunges


Dancers Legs Workout Jump Lunges
How to Perform a Jump Lunge

Start in a split squat. This means one foot is behind, on the ball of the foot and your knee just inches off the ground. Meanwhile, the other leg is in front. The weight of your body is over your forward leg, with the thigh of your front leg as parallel as possible. From this position, jump into the air and switch your legs. Land in a split squat with the forward and backward leg swapped. Repeat for 50 seconds, with a 10 second break.


Dancers Legs Tabata Workout: Exercise 5

Goddess Squats


Dancers Legs Workout Goddess Squat
How to Perform a Goddess Squat

This is where you get to rest your lungs, even though your legs will be burning. Spread your legs to twice your shoulder width to either side and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as close as possible). Make sure your knees are positioned over your toes, and not collapsing inward. Bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer-like gesture. Now, pulse up and down, no more than an inch or two of movement. Keep up this movement for 50 seconds, and follow with a 10 second break.


Repeat the above set 3 times.


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Hopefully you found this workout helpful. Your legs should be burning by the end of the workout. If not, you can always add weights in your hands. If you tried this workout, I’d love to know! Comment below!

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