Tag Archives: ballroom dancers

united states dancesport championships preparation

United States Dancesport Championships Preparation

Follow along with Simeon and Kora in their United States Dancesport Championships Preparation! The United States National Championships is only 9 weeks away and Simeon and Kora are ramping up their training. If you’ve ever wondered how world class dancers train for a major championships, here is your chance! You’ll be given unique access to their training details and a …

Dancers Legs Workout Featured Image

Dancers Legs Workout

  The best way to develop those beautiful dancers’ legs is to simply dance more, and dance the right way. However, cross-training can be an effective way to help speed up the process. I’ve come up with a great workout that will not only develop beautifully toned, slim legs, but will also get your heartbeat up in the process. The …

how I wash my ballroom costumes featured image

How To Wash Ballroom Costumes

Layers upon layers of tanning cream. Bronzing powder. Makeup. Deodorant, perfume. And sweat. Lots and lots of sweat. Our costumes, as beautiful and expensive as they may be, go through a lot. And let’s face it – after hours of dancing and fighting for the gold, sometimes our costumes just stink. I don’t know about you, but I definitely want …